jueves, 15 de agosto de 2019


                                                                                                              Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza. Agust 09,2019

Rome street No. 52
Colony forts cp: 72158

Att: Varillas Gamboa Luis Raul

Dear teacher Marisela

I send a cordial greeting and at the same time I inform you that these 8 months have taught me and I have had more learning on the subject of English, I also inform you that I hope that in 10 semesters we will become aver.
I also take the opportunity to let you know that on August 21 of this year I will not be able to attend classes since I will have a medical review I hope and can understand the planned events, so I hope you can justify that date on which I will be missing
. It is a pleasure to have been studying these two four-month periods with you so I hope and understand the reason for this letter since it was very difficult for me to write it usually I do not write any letter but this occasion is special Well this would be every teacher I hope I did not take much of its time since it is a long letter good see you later teacher.

His favorite rods Varillas Gamboa Luis Raul 

                                    Informal Letter

Dear teacher Marisela 
I am sending you this letter to tell you these 8 months that I had clases with you  Ihave leard a lot about the subjelt and at the same time I learned about your way ot  teaching Iwait you understand the reasons for the letter this  Would be al for the momento thanks and see you later profesor Marisela.
You student Raul.

2 comentarios:

  1. During this practice the physical form of a person was described, this serves to learn more abjectives and improve pronunciation.

  2. in this practice the objectives were stressed and the verbs were also searched for vocabulary that you do not know
